Campaign Details


Refer, Hodl & Earn $FYN!

📅 Date: 10 May, 13:00 UTC - 9 June 2024, 12:59 UTC 🪙 FYN earned per Referral: 5% of the initial amount pledged in $FYN 🪙 FYN earned by Referee: 1000 $FYN

Referral Reward

A successful referral is made when a user* successfully registers a new account with your unique referral code and pledges a minimum of 25,000 $FYN in the $FYN Hodl Program for a period of 30 consecutive days within the campaign period**. You will earn 5% of the amount pledged by your referee, while your referee will earn a bonus of 1000 $FYN.

Note that the reward is only applicable for the initial pledge. Subsequent pledge(s) made after the first pledge will not be applicable for the referral program.

* Users who have successfully registered an Affyn account with your unique referral code before the 10th of May are also eligible

** While the pledge has to be made by the 9th of June, the 30 consecutive days of pledging can count past the 9th of June

Note: Referrers will need to bind a wallet to their Affyn account in order to receive referral rewards

IMPORTANT NOTE: Claiming Affyn account lifetime earnings above the value of US$700 will require the passing of KYC. The valuation of rewards will be determined at the sole discretion of Affyn.

When and How can I Claim my Rewards?

Eligible users can claim their referral rewards from their Affyn Rewards dashboard in Q3 2024.

Last updated