Provide $FYN Liquidity
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Our private sale tokens have been fully unlocked for a significant period, making it opportune to strengthen essential foundations for the smooth flow and trading of FYN tokens. One crucial aspect is the liquidity of $FYN.
The primary initiative involves integrating with the widely recognized Uniswap Protocol and encouraging users from our community to provide $FYN liquidity.
The official Liquidity Pool pairing on Uniswap is the FYN/WETH pairing on the Polygon network, utilizing the Uniswap V3 Protocol. Liquidity providers earn a share of the trading fees generated by the protocol.
Exchange: Uniswap V3 FYN token contract address: 0x3B56a704C01D650147ADE2b8cEE594066b3F9421 WETH token contract address: 0x7ceB23fD6bC0adD59E62ac25578270cFf1b9f619 Recommended transaction fee tier: 0.3%
We will continue to provide liquidity on QuickSwap V2. The official pairing on QuickSwap is the FYN/USDC.e pairing on the Polygon network, utilizing the QuickSwap V2 Protocol. Users can continue to provide liquidity and trade $FYN on QuickSwap as per normal.
Exchange: QuickSwap FYN token contract address: 0x3B56a704C01D650147ADE2b8cEE594066b3F9421 USDC.e token contract address: 0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174
When buying $FYN on QuickSwap, make sure to select the Market (V2) setting.