Buy Nexium with $FYN

Hosted on Affyn Marketplace

Get more Nexium by purchasing with $FYN! You can purchase Buddy Arena's premium game currency, Nexium, using $FYN on the Affyn Marketplace. Purchasing with $FYN gives users a whooping 30% extra Nexium, so hurry and purchase your Nexium with $FYN now!

Guide to Purchase Nexium with $FYN

Step 1: Head to the Affyn Marketplace store

Step 2: Select the Nexium package that you would like to purchase

Step 3: Confirm the details of the purchase and select BUY

Step 4: Sign the transactions that appear on your MetaMask. After submitting your transaction, wait for confirmation in your transaction history to confirm a successful purchase.

Step 5: Wait for the transaction status to turn from VERIFYING to SUCCESS

Congratulations! You have successfully purchased Nexium with $FYN.

List of Transaction Statuses

Last updated